Natalie Barber

I love all things disney. Princess Belle is my favorite. She loves reading something we totally have in common and breaking out in song while reading her favorite books. Well I mean, who doesn't do that ;)

Other than reading books and breaking out into song I am a wife and stay at home mom with 3 beautiful children. The hubs and I enjoy raising Emily 10, Ben 5 and Connor 6 in Lafayette, LA. 

We have been to Disney World 3 times in the past 4 years. I have first hand experienced taking young's ones to taking pre teens and teenagers. I also have experience taking a child with sensory processing disorder. I would very much love to help you maker your families Wishes Come True..

As Belle would sing " I want adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere" -- She is so talking about a disney vacation.


Natalie Barber

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